Summons by Aurora Levins Morales

Last night I dreamed ten thousand grandmothers from the twelve hundred corners of the earth walked out into the gap one breath deep between the bullet and the flesh between the bomb and the family.

They told me we cannot wait for governments. There are no peacekeepers boarding planes. There are no leaders who dare to say every life is precious, so it will have to be us. They said we will cup our hands around each heart. We will sing the earth’s song, the song of water, a song so beautiful that vengeance will turn to weeping. The mourners will embrace, and grief replace every impulse toward harm.

Ten thousand is not enough, they said, so, we have sent this dream, like a flock of doves into the sleep of the world. Wake up. Put on your shoes. You who are reading this, I am bringing bandages and a bag of scented guavas from my trees. I think I remember the tune. Meet me at the corner. Let’s go.


We are an emerging community of spiritual leaders, healers and community organizers coming together to build a sanctuary, so that our pools of tears, will become the streams that lead to a sea of social change.

We envision a world in which secular, spiritual and religious communities come together to support resilient communities.

We are currently focused on supporting the mainstreaming of grief rituals and practices into the lives of Americans.

For a detailed report of what we have been up to in the past months please see here.

Upcoming Events

Collective Mourning Online

Invitation to Collective Mourning

Friday, April 12th at 9 am PST - Alison Avigayil Ramer & Amanda Nagai - Register

Tuesday, April 16th at 7am PST - Gabi Jubran & Coby Leibman - Register

Gabi worked in the tech industry and recognized the impact the “attention economy” was having on colonizing our minds. He was completely disconnected from what my body needed and burnt out. Since then, he’s been on a mission to cultivate healthy cultures and communities in which people and planet can thrive. What I’ve learned is that it’s critical to create spaces where people can be themselves while belonging and contributing to something bigger than themselves - essentially feel at home. As we work to alchemize the impact of settler-colonialism, his intention is to create the feeling of home in all the places, spaces and relations he belong to. He does this through his organization, HAPPI.


Somatic Parts Work for Changemakers

As human beings and stewards of social change, we carry complex and often conflicting beliefs. These beliefs can stem from our own lived experiences and those of our families and lineages.

How do our beliefs impact our sense of safety and alignment with our values? How can we hold emotional complexity AND build moral clarity in our work for justice?