A Project of the Social Change Sanctuary

These kinds of days break all of our hearts open. To help us inhabit a space beyond binaries, Social Change Sanctuary will be offering a space for the community to come together in collective mourning.

It is not easy to come together and pause in so much pain.  As Francis Weller teaches in The Wild Edge of Sorrow, grief is a radical experience that sheds light on so many aspects of ourselves, others and institutions that are often so hard to see and to sit with.

There is so much shock, anger, guilt and shame. There is a desire to say nothing and to say everything. To try and make things understandable and to be lost in confusion. To feel hopeless and to be grasping for hope. At this time, the words of Bayo Akomolafe resonate with me deeply, “What if the ways we respond to the crisis are a part of the crisis?” As a follow up to this I am also asking, can we be together in not knowing how to respond? Can we create the space beyond finite and infinite duality?

Since October 7th, we have been holding mourning spaces for Jews, Palestinians, Israelis and allies. This space will continue to be held for at least 30 days as is the delineated time for mourning in the Jewish tradition.

We invite community, friends and family to gather together, with the support of song, poetry, ritual and each other, to share in the grief of this current and ongoing oppression and illegal violence.

This space is being held by Palestinian, Israeli and North American facilitators and is open to all in mourning.

Online Events

Tuesday, January 2nd at 7 pm PST - Gabi Jubran & Alison Avigayil Ramer - Register

Sunday, January 14th at 10 am PST - Morgan Bach & Alison Avigayil Ramer - Register

Friday, January 26th at 6 pm PST - Ore Ganin Pinto & Alison Avigayil Ramer - Register

Friday, February 2nd at 9am PST - Gabi Jubran & Alison Avigayil Ramer - Register


Welcome (5 minutes)

Introduction (5 minutes)

Grounding Exercise (5 minutes)

Reading Psalms and Poetry (5 minutes)